Contact Us
Office hours: Monday-Thursday from 9 to 11am and 1 to 3:00pm
Phone: 570-443-9129 Address: 312 Main Street, White Haven, PA 18661
Borough Manager/Zoning/Code Enforcement Linda Szoke 570-443-9129 selection 1
Building inspections/permit Dennis Peters 570-752-8044
Tax Collector Kathy Oross 570-443-7340 selection 3 or
White Haven Police Department – non-emergency number 570-443-9129 selection 2 or 570-443-8888
Council Members
- Mayor Frederick Meiers
- President – John Klem
- Vice President – Charlie Best
- Pro Temp – Bob Lamson
- Zane Writer
- John Zurgarek
- Julie Fallon
- Harvey Morrison